Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I'm exhausted from daily exercise of my patience. Don't worry - my children's safety is not being compromised in the process. You see, it's like a friend of mine said not too long ago, "don't pray for patience or God will give you something to help you exercise the patience you have!" Seriously though, I don't think of myself as an impatient person and I am feeling some fatigue here. My kids are great, things are slowly but surely falling into place with regard to the trip to Moscow, and life at home without Vince and my boys is going smoother than I anticipated. I am just sooooo ready for the apartment selection process to become fruitful very soon, so I can begin to plan. I have had to restrain my innate desire and need for planning and anticipating the - by exercising patience. All in God's time, which I've come to embrace. I just long to know what my address will be (so I can print out address labels for Christmas cards before I go instead of writing them a gazillion times because I doubt we'll have our own printer in the apartment anytime soon). See....there goes the planning/anticipating thing again. 

Instead of wallowing in self pity, I'm looking inward, searching for the lesson to be learned from this experience. And I think I may have found it!  While Vince and my boys are away, I'm exercising my  'here and now' focus (in addition to taking out the garbage!).  Since I can't plan for and anticipate things there with much accuracy beyond the preparations I've already made, I'm shifting my focus on being engaged and immersed in the present - my girls! It's been a ball to shift emphasis on the younger ones in my home. It's amazing how quickly homework and chores get done! Seriously! It's freed up time and attention to invest in doing nails, clothes shopping, reading more books, playing dress-up and having tea parties, watching girl movies, and just cuddling more. Only one of my girls has even mentioned missing their brothers and that was during mealtime when she was looking for someone to join her in being goofy at the table. ;)  It's been a nice shift so far, but it's only day #2 of the guys being away.

For those who haven't heard the low-down on things from me personally, here's a cliff's notes version: The last minute delay of my family's departure to Moscow on Oct. 11th has resulted in a situation where my darling hubby and 2 sons have had to go ahead of me and the girls to find an apartment (the one we thought was going to work out fell through) and figure out the lay of the land. The next available flight that has the price and routing we can work with is on Nov. 10th. I'm hoping and praying that everything comes together soon so I can set that date (so I can get back to my planning of course, like will the apartment be furnished, or will I be packing and shipping a few things from here before I go!). :D

1 comment:

  1. Colleen, you are an amazing woman. Your ability to stop yourself from the spiral of obsessiveness is quite wonderful, I've been in limbo before and I don't handle it well. Though I will say that having 5 children in and of itself must be great training for "going with the flow". Blessings to you and Vince and the kids and big hugs...please let us know if Nov. 10th pans out!
